Social Media: Content Planning

By Siân Morgan-Owen, The Admin Genie UK

Disclaimer: This post may contain affiliate links for which I may make a small commission at no extra cost to you, if you make a purchase. I only recommend products I love.

Social Media: Content Planning

Whether you call them content pillars, buckets, categories or pockets it’s all the same.  Content pillars/buckets represent topics relevant to your target audience.  You can call your pillars/buckets anything you like but the topics in your bucket are different aspects of your business/service/product/practice and demographics.  Collectively they connect to your business and your business mission.  

You can even drill down so your buckets have buckets…but that’s a different blog.

If you group your types of social media content into separate buckets it makes it easier to create your strategy by mixing and matching from each bucket.  

It also helps if you can pin down your audience and you know who you’re targeting from your Boomers to your Millennials.

These are my bucket headings to give you an idea of what content to put in them, but remember they have to be relevant to your business.  No point creating a ‘how to guide’ to change a tyre if you sell beauty products…unless you can seamlessly link the topics, I.E you could be doing a piece around empowerment.


Excellent way to position yourself as an expert in your field and build trust with your wonderful wisdom.


A good way to show case studies.  Pain points you have solved or transformational and inspirational stories.

Connection / Relatable

Social Media is all about being sociable, so making a connection with your audience on a personal level is ultimately what you are trying to achieve. 


This is a great way to get your audience involved.


A good ratio to work on is for every 10 posts only 2 or 3 should be promotional.


A fab way to show your audience the lighter side of you and your business. 

All this content should be delivered in a variety of ways from storytelling, videos, podcasts,  infographics and presentation slides (slide decks).

For creative tips, support and ideas check out the Genie Content Club